The location of Indonesia Ocean in equator region with tropical climate caused its have much potential fisheries resource. This condition make consequential to fishing gears and technologies development. There are number of fishing gears for marine fish and shrimp in Indonesia that category into 10 types.
1.Shrimp Nets /Trawl (Pukat Udang)
There are 3 types of shrimp nets according to the opening of the trawl mouth: Otter trawl, Beam trawl and Paranzella. The fishing ground of the trawl is Arafuru Sea and Banda Sea to capture shrimps like Penaeus monodon, Penaeus merguensis, Metapenaeus ensis and Parapenaeus spp.
2.Seine Nets (Pukat Kantong)
The design of Seine nets has 3 main part: bag, body, and leg/wing. There are many kinds of seine net: Lampara (payang), Beach Seine (pukat pantai), Dogol. The fishing ground of the gear is in around of Indonesia Ocean especially in Jawa Sea and Sumatera coastal. Capture pelagic and demersal fish and shrimps like Enthynnus spp (tongkol), Rastregiller sp (kembung), and Sardinella fimbriata (lemuru).
3.Purse Seine (Pukat Cincin)
The design of purse seine has ring located in purse line to make the bag in the end of the operation in oerder the fish can’t trough away from the nets. The fishing ground of the gears is Java Sea and Sumatera coastal. The dominan cathcs is pelagic fish like Enthynnus spp (tongkol), Rastregiller sp (kembung), Katsuwonus pelagic (cakalang), and Sardinella fimbriata (lemuru).
4.Gill Nets (Jaring Insang)
The design of gill net according to this operational: Drift gill net (jaring Insang hanyut), Set gill net (Jaring insang labuh), Encircling gill net (jaring ingsang lingkar), and Trammel Net. The fishing ground of the gears is coastal and coral in around Indonesia Sea. The dominant capture is pelagic and demersal fish and shrimps like Sceinedae (tiga waja), Formio niger (bawal hitam), Pampus argentus (bawal putih), Lates calcalifer (kakap), Serranidae (kerapu) and many kinds of shrimps.
5.Lift Nets (Jaring Angkat)
Lift nets is one of the fishing gears which the operational of the gear with vertical dropping and lifting the gears. There are 7 types of the lift nets: Bagang (bagan), Dip nets/Scoop (Serok), Crab lift nets (jaring rajungan/kepiting), lift net (Bondong), Four boots lift net (Soma cang), and Cross lift (anco). The fishing ground of the lift nets is around of the Indonesia Ocean especially in Makasar Sea and many rivers. The dominant capture is small pelagic fish like Stolepharus spp and molussca like loligo spp, Sepia spp, and Octopus spp.
6.Hook and Lines (Pancing)
The design of the gears is made of 2 main components: hooks (mata pancing) and line (tali pancing). There are many types of the hook and line: Longline (rawai tuna), Pole and line /Huhate (pancing cakalang), Troll line (pancing tonda), and Hand line (pancing ulur). The fishing ground of the gears is in Indian Ocean (Northern Java and Sumatera Island) and Pacific Ocean (Southern Sulawesi and Papua Island). The dominant capture is Thunus spp, Katsuwonus pelamis, Scomberomorus comersoni, Sphyraena spp, and Priacanthus spp.
7.Traps (Perangkap)
The main principle of the operation of the gears is setting permanently in the water and attracting the fish to enter the gears. There are many types of the gears: Fish pots (bubu), Half circling traps (Perangkap setengah lingkaran), Stake traps (Sero), and Tidal traps (perangkap pasang surut). The fishing ground of the gears including rivers, lakes, estuaries, mangroves, coral reefs and open seas. The main capture is many kinds of crustacean like Portunus spp, Scylla serata, and Panulirus spp.
8.Drive in Nets
The operational of the drive in nets like traps. The difference of the gears is made from nets with large scale of body and bag. This gear usually is operated in coral reef areas to capture many kinds of coral fish. This gear has 6 types: Muroami, Soma malalugis, Jaring kalase, Jaring klotok, Lari-larian and Jaring Saden.
9.Shell fish and Sea Weeds Collection (Alat pengumpul kerang dan rumput laut)
10.The Others Fishing Gears
There are much fishing gears that uncategorized into nine types of gears. This condition is according the need of fisherman, topography of the sea, resources. The gears are Encircling nets, rake, cover nets, harpoon, rifle, bow, arrow, and etc.